Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations

Indeed, on this page, Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations you will find the symbols and abbreviations used in my worksheet. Although the worksheet is highly standardized through the utilization of the nautical almanac and the formulas for the St. Marcq method, it’s important to note that abbreviations can vary significantly from one country to another.

Overall, on this page dedicated to the worksheet of this self-instruction website, which simulates sun observation with a sextant, the primary goal is to lead you through all the steps on the worksheet, starting with the La Rochelle exercise. Ultimately, this will enable you to plot the Line of Position (LOP) on a nautical chart or plotting sheet and find your way at sea.

The ocean. author image: Shivama205

Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations:

Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations, image worksheet part 1
Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations, image worksheet part 2

symbols and abbreviations

– Hs: Sextant height/altitude

– Ha: Apparent sextant height/altitude

– Ho: Observed sextant height/altitude

– Dip: Depression of the horizon

– Sun corr.: Sun’s altitude correction table 

– Date: Date of the UT observation 

– UT time: Universal time

– index error: Refers to the alignment of its optical components

– non adjustable error: Fixed error due machining issues

– ε: Index error plus non-adjustable error

– L: Estimated latitude

– G: Estimated longitude

– height of the eye: Height of the eye above the horizon

– LL/UP: Lower limb or upper limb of the sun

– GHA: Greenwich Hour Angle of the sun (whole hour)

– pp: Increment of the sun’s hour angle

– GHA: Greenwich Hour Angle of the sun (exact hour of the observation)

– P: Polar Hour Angle

– D: Declination of the sun (whole hour)

– corr.d : Change of declination per hour

– D: Declination of the sun (exact hour of the observation)

– Hc: Calculated height/altitude

– Z: true azimuth (o° to 180°) ancient notation

– Zv: true azimuth (0° to 360°) modern notation

– intercept: Ho – Hc

Easy sextant symbols and abbreviations:

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Miracles in the ocean. Author image: … = XEON =…