Nautical almanac and sumner line

This page Nautical almanac and sumner line on our self-instruction website emphasizes the significance of the nautical almanac as a crucial tool for celestial navigation. It assists mariners in accurately determining their position using the Sumner line of position or line of position de St Marcq Hilaire while navigating the open sea.

And the nautical almanac is also used for the calculation of daylight hours and mandatory compass checks.

decorative image of a ship's propeller

I will only refer to the necessary tables for the sun.

Thus, I present some very simplified pages from the nautical almanac to make reading easier, solely for the main purpose of this site: calculating a line of position with the sun.

simplified lay out for daily page of the nautical almanac sun and moon
Nautical almanac and sumner line, daily page nautical almanac (sun only)
daily page nautical almanac (sun only)

It should be noted that the nautical almanac is very dense and complete in a more universal context, including the planets, the moon, the stars, and all other useful tables for celestial navigation

Nautical almanac and sumner line, image of the almanac
Her Majesty’s Nautical Office U.K. and Nautical Almanac Office U.S.

In summary, the almanac mainly contains two different sections: 1. the daily pages and 2. the permanent tables.

Nautical almanac and sumner line: daily pages

Declination (D)

Greenwich hour angle (GHA)

Declination (D) and Greenwich hour angle (GHA) in the nautical almanac

Firstly This publication gives for each day and each whole UT hour the Declination and GHA in the daily pages and it is up to us to interpolate and find the declination and GHA to the nearest second.

The use of the nautical almanac
The use of the nautical almanac

This is a used Freezer Trawler.  author image: Bob at workboats USA

Nautical almanac and sumner line:

For example, in the Larochelle exercise, the Universal Time (UT) is 10 hours, 40 minutes, and 19 seconds.

Nautical almanac , image watch ut time
watch on UT time. Wednesday, January 26th.

daily page


Nautical almanac and sumner line, image daily page nautical almanac
daily page nautical almanac

Also this daily page has been downloaded on the website with the kind permission of its author Capt. Roberto Iori. You can also look at the link page

For the whole hour 26/01/2022:

GHA at 10 hours = 326°52′,8
The Declination of the sun at 10 hours = 18°40′,1 S
The value of d is 0.6 ‘ (decreasing 0’,6 per hour.)

For the exact hour:

See increment of the sun’s hour angle

How to calculate sun’s Declination

Subsequently ( D ) and ( GHA ) are used with time (UT) in our mathematical formulas (solving the spherical triangle)

Nautical almanac and sumner line, image of the spherical triangle
Position triangle

beach : La Lette blanche dans les Landes en France. Author image: VIGNA Christian

Nautical almanac and sumner line:

decorative image of an anchor

permanent tables in the nautical almanac

image book nautical almanac

Of course, these tables remain constant and are not updated annually like some other data in this publication

Increments and corrections tables:

Firstly, these increments tables show you the conversion time to arc

Indeed, the hour angle of the sun increases by 15 degrees every hour.

60 minutes → 15°

30 minutes → 7°30’

15 minutes → 3°45’

16 minutes and 7 seconds → 4° 01’,8 (see table below)

Furthermore, we find for each minute a table with 60 seconds.

The reason for these tables is that they can replace an electronic calculator.

sun only

Nautical almanac increment and corrections tables
Increments and corrections tables

Time to Arc:

TIME xx hour 16 minutes 07 seconds UT

Denham Western Australia… Author image: Murray Foubister

permanent tables in the nautical almanac:

altitude corrections tables

Also, we will find a lot of explanations for the altitude correction tables in the interactive worksheet.

Nautical almanac and sumner line, image altitude correction table

In fact, the french and english nautical almanacs use different methods for altitude corrections

Of course this is the english version

In addition the french nautical almanac

the french nautical almanac

Éphémérides nautiques 

(Bureau des Longitudes)

book nautical almanac

Moreover, the Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) is commonly referred to as l’angle horaire du soleil (AHvo)

Also, see the french version of my french website (

decorative image of oars