Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics

Enjoy exploring this page featuring celestial sun navigation and he tropics, which are part of one of the eight identical exercises you should resolve.

However, tackle the exercise on this page only after completing the foundational La Rochelle exercise.

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics: Sun North or South at noon ?

Overall, in tropical regions, the sun’s position at local apparent noon can vary between being in the north or the south depending on the time of year, the latitude, and the sun’s declination.

That is to say, in Northern Europe, for example, we will always see the sun in the south at noon, whereas in tropical regions, the sun can be seen in either the south or the north throughout the year.

Furthermore, we compare the observer’s latitude to different values of the sun’s declination.

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics, image relation between sun's declination and observer latitude
Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics, image of tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn

Firstly, Two examples in the hemisphere North:

Latitude observer = 13° North

Declination = 19° North

– Sun in the North

Latitude observer = 5° North

Declination = 6° South

– Sun in the South

Then, two examples in the hemisphere South:

Latitude observer = 13° South

Declination = 19° N

-Sun in the North

Latitude observer = 5° South

Declination = 17° South

-Sun in the South

While, this page focuses on the Point à Pitre exercise, you can find the others on the Celestial Course page.

La Darse P-à-P (2019) author: Filo gèn’

Firstly, on this page Pointe-à-Pitre you will find all the sextant sun sight observations required after taking a sun sight at sea off the coast of Pointe-à-Pitre.

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics: Pointe-à-Pitre:

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics: Pointe-à-Pitre:

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, image calculator and blocnote

print/download PDF worksheet or copy by hand

First part of the spreadsheet of the sun sight observations

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, worksheet with red entries

Firstly, start manually completing the red entries on this page.

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics:

Time UT and Date

DAY = Monday; DATE = 26/09/2022; UT Time = 13:54:01

sextant height (Hs)

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets Pointe-à-Pitre image sextant height

lower limb

index error

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, image sextant index error

Non adjustable error

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, image inspection certificat

eye height

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, image eye height

Dead reckoning position:

Latitude (L) :

16°34′ North

Longitude (G) :

059°25′ West

daily page

nautical almanac

Celestial Sun Navigation Spreadsheets, image daily page nautical almanac

Also this daily page has been downloaded on the nauticalalmanac.it website with the kind permission of its author Capt.Roberto Iori

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics:

Húsavík lighthouse d’Islande Bjorn.thorvaldsson.is

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics

Celestial Sun Navigation and the tropics: The sea around Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe)

Indeed, the sea around Guadeloupe, a French Caribbean archipelago, is part of the Caribbean Sea.

Also, the region boasts turquoise waters, coral reefs, and a rich marine biodiversity. In fact, Guadeloupe is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side and the Caribbean Sea on the western side.

Furthermore, the Caribbean Sea, known for its warm temperatures and vibrant coral ecosystems, contributes to Guadeloupe’s appeal as a popular tourist destination.

Therefore, the marine life includes colorful coral formations, tropical fish, and endangered sea turtles.

Hence, Guadeloupe’s waters offer opportunities for snorkeling, scuba diving, and water sports. However, the area faces environmental challenges, including coral bleaching and the impact of climate change on sea life.

Moreover, conservation efforts aim to protect and sustain the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem around Guadeloupe.